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Got Mail? / RV Domicile Address

What do we mean by “domicile address”? Well, domicile means “a country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives on and has a substantial connection with”. Basically, it’s a place to call home (kind of). When you are living full time in a RV and you don’t have a “home” you need an address in order to register your vehicles or get a driver license.

Some people simply use a relative’s address in order to stay in the state that they left from. That is an option, but there are other options out there. In fact, if you’re not from Texas, South Dakota or Florida, it might be worth it to domicile in one of these states. The main reason for this is these states have no state income tax. So, if you work full time on the road or are thinking of starting a business from the road, these states offer addresses through a few different companies so you can take advantage of the income tax laws.

Here is a list of a few of the companies that offer this service.

1. Escapee’s

a. Livingston, TX

b. Sumter county, FL

c. Pennington county, SD

2. Texas Home Base

a. Wichita Falls, TX

3. Good Sam

These are just a few and there are more out there, but these are the ones that as full time RVers we here about the most.

How to start

1. Research the companies to find more about them and which will fit your travel style (you must go there at least once)

2. Once you know which one, you can go to their websites to get the process started.

3. These companies have a range of options from just having the address to a full mail scan program that includes forwarding to wherever you might be.

4. In order to get your vehicle’s registration and driver licenses, you must be present in that county to do so.

5. After all that, you will be a part of that state and will reap the benefits that it comes with.

Now, in order to use these services from these companies, there are fees associated with the service. They range depending on which option you choose when it comes to how you receive your mail and how it is sent out.

Personally, we use Texas Home Base. We pay $200/year for their digital mailbox service. This is a service that when the mail comes in, they scan it, upload it and send me an email saying that mail has been uploaded. From there, we can pull it up on their website and we can choose to either hold it, shred it or forward it. You do pay for your own postage so be aware of that also. Most mail these days are electronic, so there really is not much mail coming through that service it was simply to become Texas residents. We chose this because of the area in relation to where we are from in Oklahoma.


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