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Our Story



In June of 2020 we were sitting on our back porch and Tara had an idea! What if we sold everything, bought a RV and started to travel the U.S. with our 2 small kids and our 2 dogs? Sounds crazy right? 


Well, to start with, neither one of us had ever really camped. As a kid, Austin did some tent camping but never stayed in an RV and neither had Tara. So this idea was a little off the walls to say the least! We started down the path of watching YouTube videos of family's that were doing this. We had NO IDEA this full time RV life even existed much less with small kids. 


Both of us fell in the love with the idea of doing this, but how? Where do you even start? Austin is fortunate enough to work for a company that he was already remote and traveled for work. Once we internally made the decision that we wanted to do this we ran it by Austin's company. The idea was out of the "norm" of what life is "supposed" to look like but they liked the idea and did not see any reason not to. Once it was ok'd with them, at that point it was real and we had nothing holding us back but US. 


We began down this path to find the prefect "house on wheels". This become more cumbersome than we had thought. We had no idea the options that were out there. We decided very early on that we wanted a 5th wheel and then it was just about finding that "perfect" fit. 


First, we sold Tara's beloved mini van "betty white" and found "lady" our truck that would literally pull our house on her back. During this entire time we were selling 95% of our "stuff". This turned out to be very liberating and we knew this was the right decision for us. We thought that selling all of the kid's "stuff" would be hard for them. Turned out it really wasn't. Once those things were gone, we never looked back. 


On September 16th, 2020 (just four months after the birth of the idea) our house closed and we were officially a full time RV family. We left our hometown and everything we ever knew and started traveling around the U.S. 


We have learned SO much about ourselves, our kids and life in general. The friendships we have made through this time are irreplaceable and that would not have been possible without an idea and the will to do it! 


Ultimately, we can always buy a another house and more stuff, but we can never get the time back that we are spending with our kids and life experiences we are having!



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